You'll now be able to build a new piece immediately after setting one down, unlocking the ability to quickly set up bases or trap enemies during a fight. This is the biggest setting that you'll need after turning on Builder Pro, as it - combined with turbo building - take your builds to a whole new level. This layout is the de facto way most controller players build and play on Fortnite, and is essential to improving your skill in the game. Prior to changing any of the settings inside of your controller tab, it's important that you head to the button layout section of the settings and change it to Builder Pro. You'll have to practice with this setting once you enable it, but it will be a legitimate game changer once you're used to it. This essentially doubles your building speed and doesn't require multiple button presses to place an object down. Perhaps the biggest setting to have turned on in all of Fortnite is the turbo building. The 'Reset Building Choice' setting makes it so that your builds always start with the same piece. In Fortnite, the building is just as important as shooting, if not more so. Getting used to this may take some time, but it'll be a huge help in the long run.

Keeping all of your consumables to the right side of your inventory will allow you to cycle through your weapons much easier, and give you faster access to your consumables when you need them.

Similar to the previous setting, this one is all about organization. You might want this luxury when you just drop into a game, but it's much more important to not have your inventory randomly fill up with unwanted items later on in the game as things become more hectic. Players may think this is a setting you'd want to turn on, but it hurts more often than it helps. Keeping your team up to date with loot, enemies, and more is a huge part of winning. Plus, it's nice to never have a door open and close in your face because you pressed the buttons too fast.Īnother incredibly important setting, this one just really helps to communicate with your team, whether it be a group of friends you always play with or a random queue of players you've never met.

Since the name of the game in Fortnite is speed, you'll want to eliminate as many needless button presses that take your hands away from the main buttons. Allowing yourself to reload while sprinting will slow you down a bit, but it's much better than getting caught in the middle of a fight and suddenly realizing you have no ammo in any of your weapons.Īnother pretty important one, Fortnite allows players to toggle whether or not they want a door to open automatically as you go near it. Sprint cancels reloading is an important setting, as leaving it on can really hurt you in the middle of a game. Matchmaking region: Auto region, or select region with lowest ping.Source: Epic Games (Image credit: Source: Epic Games)